Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File
U SQL programmability guide for Azure Data Lake. U SQL is a query language thats designed for big data type of workloads. One of the unique features of U SQL is the combination of the SQL like declarative language with the extensibility and programmability thats provided by C. In this guide, we concentrate on the extensibility and programmability of the U SQL language thats enabled by C. Requirements. Download and install Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio. Get started with U SQLLook at the following U SQL script a. SELECT FROM. Contoso, 1. Woodgrove, 2. 70. AS D customer, amount. This script defines two Row. Sets a and results. LPS.png' alt='Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' title='Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' />Row. Set results is defined from a. C types and expressions in U SQL script. A U SQL Expression is a C expression combined with U SQL logical operations such AND, OR, and NOT. U SQL Expressions can be used with SELECT, EXTRACT, WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY and DECLARE. Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' title='Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' />For example, the following script parses a string as a Date. Time value. results. Date. Time. Parsedate AS date. I want to export my big SSMS SQL Server Management Studio query result 2. MS SQL Server 2005. If you have to import a text file into SQL Server, and you dont need all the configuration options available in the Import and Export Wizard, consider using the. While looking through the new features and improvements in SQL Server Management Studio SSMS, we found several options for displaying query results. In this tip we. The following snippet parses a string as Date. Terror Return To Strength Download Google. Time value in a DECLARE statement. USQL is a query language thats designed for big datatype of workloads. One of the unique features of USQL is the combination of the SQLlike declarative language. This is quite an obvious need in SSIS where you wanted to call Stored Procedure and keep its output in text file. This is one of the common and easy task to do in SQL. Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' title='Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' />A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data streams. An example. Note This article applies to Fuji. For more current information, see Data Sources at http The ServiceNow Wiki is no longer being. Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' title='Sql Output Comma Delimited Text File' />DECLARE d Date. Time. Parse2. 01. Use C expressions for data type conversions. The following example demonstrates how you can do a datetime data conversion by using C expressions. In this particular scenario, string datetime data is converted to standard datetime with midnight 0. DECLARE dt 2. Convert. To. Date. TimeConvert. To. Date. Timedt. To. Stringyyyy MM dd AS dt. AS olddt. TO outputfile. USING Outputters. Text. Use C expressions for todays date. To pull todays date, we can use the following C expression Date. Time. Now. To. StringMdyyyyHeres an example of how to use this expression in a script rs. MAXguid AS startid. MINdt AS starttime. MINConvert. To. Date. TimeConvert. To. Date. Timedtlt defaultdtdefaultdt dt. To. Stringyyyy MM dd AS startzerotime. MINUSQLProgrammability. Custom. Functions. Get. Fiscal. Perioddt AS startfiscalperiod. Date. Time. Now. To. StringMdyyyy AS Nowdate. GROUP BY user, des. Using. NET assemblies. U SQLs extensibility model relies heavily on the ability to add custom code from. NET assemblies. Register a. NET assembly. Use the CREATE ASSEMBLY statement to place a. NET assembly into a U SQL Database. Afterwards, U SQL scripts can use those assemblies by using the REFERENCE ASSEMBLY statement. The following code shows how to register an assembly CREATE ASSEMBLY My. DB. My. Assembly. FROM myassembly. The following code shows how to reference an assembly REFERENCE ASSEMBLY My. DB. My. Assembly. Consult the assembly registration instructions that covers this topic in greater detail. Use assembly versioning. Currently, U SQL uses the. NET Framework version 4. So ensure that your own assemblies are compatible with that version of the runtime. As mentioned earlier, U SQL runs code in a 6. So make sure that your code is compiled to run on x. Otherwise you get the incorrect format error shown earlier. Each uploaded assembly DLL and resource file, such as a different runtime, a native assembly, or a config file, can be at most 4. MB. The total size of deployed resources, either via DEPLOY RESOURCE or via references to assemblies and their additional files, cannot exceed 3 GB. Finally, note that each U SQL database can only contain one version of any given assembly. For example, if you need both version 7 and version 8 of the Newton. Soft Json. Net library, you need to register them in two different databases. Furthermore, each script can only refer to one version of a given assembly DLL. In this respect, U SQL follows the C assembly management and versioning semantics. Use user defined functions UDFU SQL user defined functions, or UDF, are programming routines that accept parameters, perform an action such as a complex calculation, and return the result of that action as a value. The return value of UDF can only be a single scalar. U SQL UDF can be called in U SQL base script like any other C scalar function. We recommend that you initialize U SQL user defined functions as public and static. My. Functionstring param. First lets look at the simple example of creating a UDF. In this use case scenario, we need to determine the fiscal period, including the fiscal quarter and fiscal month of the first sign in for the specific user. The first fiscal month of the year in our scenario is June. To calculate fiscal period, we introduce the following C function public static string Get. Fiscal. PeriodDate. Time dt. int Fiscal. Month0. if dt. Month lt 7. Fiscal. Month dt. Month 6. Fiscal. Month dt. Month 6. Fiscal. Quarter0. Fiscal. Month 1 Fiscal. Monthlt 3. Fiscal. Quarter 1. if Fiscal. Month 4 Fiscal. Month lt 6. Fiscal. Quarter 2. if Fiscal. Month 7 Fiscal. Month lt 9. Fiscal. Quarter 3. if Fiscal. Month 1. 0 Fiscal. Month lt 1. 2. Fiscal. Quarter 4. Q Fiscal. Quarter. To. String P Fiscal. Month. To. String. It simply calculates fiscal month and quarter and returns a string value. For June, the first month of the first fiscal quarter, we use Q1 P1. For July, we use Q1 P2, and so on. This is a regular C function that we are going to use in our U SQL project. Here is how the code behind section looks in this scenario using Microsoft. Analytics. Interfaces. Microsoft. Analytics. Types. Sql. using System. Collections. Generic. System. Linq. using System. Text. namespace USQLProgrammability. Custom. Functions. Get. Fiscal. PeriodDate. Time dt. int Fiscal. Month0. if dt. Month lt 7. Fiscal. Month dt. Month 6. else. Fiscal. Month dt. Month 6. Fiscal. Quarter0. Fiscal. Month 1 Fiscal. Monthlt 3. Fiscal. Quarter 1. if Fiscal. Month 4 Fiscal. Month lt 6. Fiscal. Quarter 2. if Fiscal. Month 7 Fiscal. Month lt 9. Fiscal. Quarter 3. if Fiscal. Month 1. 0 Fiscal. Month lt 1. 2. Fiscal. Quarter 4. Q Fiscal. Quarter. To. String Fiscal. Month. To. String. Now we are going to call this function from the base U SQL script. To do this, we have to provide a fully qualified name for the function, including the namespace, which in this case is Name. Space. Class. Functionparameter. USQLProgrammability. Custom. Functions. Get. Fiscal. Perioddt. Following is the actual U SQL base script DECLARE inputfile string usql programmabilityinputfile. DECLARE outputfile string usql programmabilityoutputfile. Guid. dt Date. Time. String. des String. FROM inputfile USING Extractors. Tsv. DECLARE defaultdt Date. Time Convert. To. Date. Time0. 60. MAXguid AS startid. MINdt AS starttime. MINConvert. To. Date. TimeConvert. To. Date. Timedtlt defaultdtdefaultdt dt. To. Stringyyyy MM dd AS startzerotime. MINUSQLProgrammability. Custom. Functions. Get. Fiscal. Perioddt AS startfiscalperiod. GROUP BY user, des. TO outputfile. USING Outputters. Text. Following is the output file of the script execution 0d. T0. 7 0. 4 1. 7. T0. Q3 8,User. 1,. T0. T0. 0 0. 0 0. 0. Q3 8,User. T0. 9 0. 1 3. 3. T0. Q3 8,User. 3,. This example demonstrates a simple usage of inline UDF in U SQL. Keep state between UDF invocations.