Failed to parse WSDL javax. WSDLException fault. CodePARSERERROR Cannot create a secure XMLInput. Factory. You are using a version of CXF that require a Secure XMLInput. Factory. Wood. Stox 4. XMLInput. Factory. Rachel James Casting Couch X. It looks like Wood. Stox 4. 2. 0 is already a dependency of CXF, so you must have another XMLInput. Factory implementation that is picked up by the classloader before the Wood. Stox one. I had the same problem and for me it was a Glass. Fish implementation that caused the conflict. If you use Maven, check carefully your dependencies. At last you may debug into CXF. Put a breakpoint in org. Stax. Utils. create. XMLInput. Factory, then restart your server, you will see what jar contains the implementation that is used. Try remove this jar from WEB INFlib and see whats happen. CXF 2. 7. x Woodstox Compatibility via Maven. Woodstox' title='Woodstox' />I can see from your tree listing that you are in. Do you have. dot i. If you do, take it out, and keep on looking for an answer. But if you dont have. Type nohup. davmail. Type nohup fullpathtocurrentdirectorydavmail. Put the current directory name. I conclude that from the fact that nohup. While deploying one war file which is web service call im getting the exception like Failed to parse WSDL javax. WSDLException WSDLException faultCodePARSER. Originally written by Sbastien Deluze on the SpringSource blog Spring Jackson support has been improved lately to be more.